Chiropractor appointment and overdoing it

Today I saw my chiropractor after overdoing it on housework yesterday. My back, knees, hips and shoulders were excruciating after I did laundry yesterday, nothing much was helping until I finally took my muscle relaxer and went to bed, and even the muscle relaxer didn't help that much. I came this morning to my chiropractor, which is conveniently located inside my workplace, and after she adjusted me I finally got some real relief from the pain. I am discovering more and more that chiropractic care helps my fibromyalgia and injured back so much more than a lot of other remedies. I already discovered that yoga is also helpful, though I am struggling to make time for it with work and everything else I have going on. I also find that I am sometimes so fatigued that I cannot do much yoga or anything else. It makes my life very difficult dealing with so much pain and fatigue the way I do with my fibromyalgia, it makes it feel like I will not be able to do the things I need to do when I need to do them. I do, however, find that chiropractic care is relatively easy and it helps my pain quite a bit so I will continue to do that for relief. 

 I find it hard at times to figure out what exactly will be too much. Some things it is quite obvious will be too much, like doing laundry or walking to the store for groceries, but other things are harder. Like doing the dishes, I find it difficult to know how much will be too much and how much will be enough. I tend to break dish washing down into small bits at a time, but sometimes I do too many before taking a break and other times I could have done a few more before I stopped. Exercise is another thing where it is hard to tell what is too much or not. Like swimming I can do for a long time, walking is hard to tell distance wise what will be too much, yoga is very hard to tell as I am not used to it yet, sometimes a very little goes a long way and at others I can handle more. The hardest thing to gauge I think for me is with work, I can never tell if a shift and my duties will be too much or not enough or just right. It seems to differ every time. 

I think that is the problem with it, that fibromyalgia itself is quite hard to predict what will help, make it worse, be enough, be too much and etc. It is so hard to tell with fibromyalgia how much I can handle and what kinds of things will affect me on a given day. Fibro is just hard! I am trying my hardest to figure out pacing myself with my fibromyalgia with its unpredictable nature, it is very very difficult though. I am sure others with fibro can relate to this with how very unpredictable it is and how hard it can be to pace yourself with it while still being able to live life. I am new to fibromyalgia diagnosis and still have a lot to learn about how it works. Keep checking out my blog for more about this journey


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