Recent Health and Financial Struggles


I have been struggling recently with my bipolar, ADHD, IBS, migraines, and fibromyalgia. My IBS keeps getting flared up into constipation and it is painful and makes me often feel nauseated and full even if I didn't eat yet. The fibro and migraines are just flaring up so much and giving me so much pain. The bipolar is in a mixed manic state right now which is miserable. I am struggling horribly to focus and remember things and the ADHD is not helping one bit, nor does the fibro fog. I find myself often walking into a room to get something and then saying "Now, what did I come in here for?" Or I will be at work and open the drawer for something and not remember what I wanted out of it, and I am always forgetting what I did with my phone.

I am making a lot of mistakes at work right now and having a hard time working because of these problems. I have to keep my training notebook at the front desk with me so that I don't forget things at the hotel, as well as I always have to have a notebook or a reminder open on my laptop/phone at the condos so that I can write things down that I need to remember. If I don't have notes, reminders, checklists, and alarms I will forget everything. I often forget things that I need to do at both of my jobs because of this and it is stressing me out. I have even forgotten that I have to work when making appointments with the doctor and everything. It is getting to really be too much.

On a more positive note I am finally in therapy and seeing a psychiatrist since being on the waiting list for them for nearly 3 years after trying to get online treatment and then no longer being able to afford it. One of the appointments I accidentally schedule when I work was a psychiatrist appointment. I also think I just scheduled a therapy one or something during work. I get tired of rescheduling appointments because I do this. I was prescribed Abilify to go with my Lamictal by my psychiatrist but it didn't work out and I had to stop taking it. The Lamictal is working so I will continue that and I've now increased that to a therapeutic dosage level for me. It should start helping a lot more pretty soon. If I can remember to take it every morning, anyways, which is another issue with forgetting that I have.

I have also struggled with eating due to medication side effects, stress, IBS, ADHD, bipolar disorder, migraines, fibromyalgia, etc. Sometimes the medications make me have no appetite or more appetite than normal, when my IBS is flaring up to more of an IBS-C type, I feel very full and it's hard to tell if I'm hungry. I struggle to figure out what I can eat that won't flare my IBS to either C or D versions, as mine is the mixed kind. I also have some stress and emotional eating and other issues of that nature that make food a struggle. I am getting treatment for them with my therapist but in the meantime, it is very hard.

I have found an affordable place to get acupuncture finally, and I am so very thrilled about that. I can get affordable massages at my doctor's office, and I have finally scheduled my aquatic therapy. My doctor gave me referrals for all of these things to help my fibromyalgia, migraines, and other issues. I am very excited to see if it all helps me feel better. I plan to ask my nutritionist about my food things as I always do in addition to asking my therapist.

I hope to link my personal health and life coaching website and blog to this blog very soon, I am very passionate about becoming a life coach and I cannot wait to start helping people. I felt it was a good idea to connect the blogs since this is so health-related. Stay tuned to future posts to find out more!


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